作者:   时间:2021-03-08   点击数:


姓名: 刘云霞

出生年月:  1983-5

职称:  副研究员(硕士生导师)

研究方向: 图像处理与模式识别

地址:  山东省青岛市即墨区滨海路72N7 216

Email:  eyxliu@sdu.edu.cn



2007.09 - 2012.07 山东大学 博士

2004.09 - 2007.07 山东大学 硕士

2000.09 - 2004.07 山东大学 学士


2020.04  至今 山东大学光学高等研究中心 副研究员

2019.8  - 2020.4 帝国理工学院生物医学工程系 访问学者

2015.9  - 2020.3 济南大学信息科学与工程学院 副教授

2012.10  - 2015.09 山东大学控制科学与工程学院 博士后

2010.3  - 2011.07 香港理工大学电子资讯工程系 研究助理






1. 多尺度几何分析、图像去噪与应用

2. 通信、雷达信号调制方式识别及智能监控

3. 基于深度学习方法的循环肿瘤细胞辅助鉴别及源相机取证


1. An-Jie Zhang,Ze-Yu Zou,Yun-Xia Liu, Ying-Jie Chen,Yang Yang, Yue-Hui Chen,Bonnie Ngai-Fong LAW, Automated Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells Using Faster R-CNN, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 2019.9(1): 167~174.

2. Zhao-Guang Liu, Xiu-Hua Ji, Yun-Xia Liu. Hybrid non-parametric particle swarm optimization and its stability analysis, Expert Systems With Applications, 2018, 92(2):256-275.

3. Yang Yang, Yun-Xia LiuQi-Fan Dong. Sliced integral histogram: an efficient histogram computing algorithm and its FPGA implementation. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017, 76 (12): 14327–14344.

4. Zhao-Bin Ma, Yang Yang, Yun-Xia Liu, A.A.Bharath, Recurrently Decomposable 2-D Convolvers for FPGA-Based Digital Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II. vol 63, no 10, pp 1-5, Sept. 2016.

5. Yun-Xia Liu, Yang Yang, A.A.Bharath, Recurrently Decomposable 2-D Filter, Journal of Computational Information Systems, v 11, n 5, p 1773-1779, March 1, 2015.

6. Yun-Xia Liu, Ngai-Fong Law and Wan Chi Siu, Patch based Image Denoising Using the Finite Ridgelet Transform for Less Artifacts, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, vol. 25, no. 5, pp.1006–1017, July 2014.

7. Yun-Xia Liu, Yu-Hua Peng, Wan-Chi Siu. Energy-based adaptive transform scheme in the DPRT domain and its application to image denoising. Signal Processing, vol. 89, no. 1, pp.31-44, Jan. 2009.

8. Liu Yunxia, Peng Yuhua, Qu Huaijing, Yin Yong. Energy-based Adaptive Orthogonal FRIT and Its Application in Image Denoising. Science in China Series F: Information Science, vol.50,no 2, pp 212-226, April 2007.


1. Zhang W, Liu Y, Zhou J, et al. An Improved Sensor Pattern Noise Estimation Method Based on Edge Guided Weighted Averaging[C]//Proceedings: ML4CS 2020: Machine Learning for Cyber Security 2020, Springer,2020: 405-415.

2. Zhang W, Liu Y, Zou Z, et al. Effective Source Camera Identification based on MSEPLL Denoising Applied to Small Image Patches[C]//Proceedings: APSIPA ASC 2019: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2019 Annual Summit and Conference. IEEE, 2019: 1740-1744.

3. Zou Z, Liu Y, Zhang W, et al. Robust Camera Model Identification Based on Richer Convolutional Feature Network[C]//Proceedings: APSIPA ASC 2019: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association, 2019 Annual Summit and Conference. IEEE, 2019: 1202-1207.

4. Yun-Xia Liu, YANG Yang and CHEN Yue-Hui. Automatic Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells based on Microscopic Images. In: Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and ConferenceAPSIPA ABC 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2017.12.12-12.15.

5. LIU Yun-Xia; YANG, Yang; LI, Min. Robust Real-Time Head Detection by Grayscale Template Matching Based on Depth Images. In: International Conference on Intelligent Computing. The twelfth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2017, Liverpool, UK, 2017.8.7-8.10.

6. Zhiting Yang; Yang Yang; Yun-Xia Liu; Real-time multi-candidates fusion based head tracking on kinect depth sequence, 41st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2016, Shanghai, P.R.China, 2016.3.20-3.25.

7. Zhao-Bin Ma, Yang Yang*, Yun-Xia Liu, A Real-time Fatigue Driving Detection System Design and Implementation. The 17th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology, ICACT 2015, PyeongChang, Korea, 2015.7.1-7.3

8. Qi-Fan Dong, Yang Yang*, Yun-Xia Liu, Fall Alarm and Inactivity Detection System Design and Implementation on Raspberry Pi. The 17th International Conference on Advanced Communications Technology, PyeongChang, Korea, 2015.7.1-7.3

9. Yun-Xia Liu, Guo-Hui Tian, Yang Yang, Traffic Sign Image Denoising with Energy-based Adaptive Finite Ridgelet Transform, The 32nd Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2013, Xian, P.R. China, 2013.7.26-7.28

10. Liu Yunxia, Peng Yuhua, Zhou Xinhong. Texture classification using finite ridgelet transform and support vector machines. In: Proceedings of Ninth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, PRICAI '06, Guilin, P.R.China, 2006.8.7-2006.8.11.


1. 研究基于安置帮教状态的刑释人员大数据帮扶方案智能决策技术,科技部重点研发计划子课题,24.5万元,20187~20216,主持

2. 基于有限Radon特征和判别稀疏字典学习的行人检测算法研究,国家自然科学基金(青年项目),24万元,20141月~201612月,主持

3. 基于评判准则和样例学习两级级联的循环肿瘤细胞智能检测系统研发,山东省重点研发计划,25万元, 20171月~201812月,主持

4. 基于有限脊波特征和K-SVD方法的行人跟踪算法研究,中国博士后科学基金项目,5万元, 201310月~201512月,主持

5. 国家重大仪器专项数字诊疗设备研发项目,循环肿瘤细胞检测工作站及相应配套设备的集成研发,2016YFC010600020166月~201812月,参与

6. 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项项目,高性能微波频谱分析仪研制与应用开发,2012YQ20022420126月~20176月,参与


1. 刘云霞,杨阳,一种基于精确局部方差先验建模的自适应正交小波图像去噪方法,2018.11.2,中国,ZL201610323986.5

2. 杨阳,杨智婷,刘云霞,一种基于深度图像或深度视频序列的实时目标跟踪算法,2016.8.31,中国,ZL201510585955.2

